The Sun is a terrible giant (or carnivorous, bloodthirsty beast) sleeping with his body stretched out in a circle, in the center of which there is a fire and even stones and mountains burn in it. "He is illuminated by a firebrand, his mouth is open, his front tooth is missing, and the fire is still burning in the heart of a powerful circle, not weakening for a moment." And the one who brings the sun lives in the grave, since envious people called to the Solstice from the mountains a living, thinking, talking wheel without fire, which cut off his place of weakness, his legs, and he was laid alive in the grave as a stump that never dies. His body was pressed down with a huge stone so that he could not rise from the grave. But every spring he gains tenfold strength by lifting his stone and then his voice is heard from the grave, saying "The sky above is blue, the grass above is green, seven days above. I want to be free, I want to live to take revenge on my enemies, to tear out envious eyes." And people hearing it bring sacrificial sheep to his grave, and then celebrate the trizna (funeral ritual in the form of a feast), on which the living deceased sits... Pagan solar motifs from Nart's (mainly Ossetian) epic tales.

By Darja-Kazimira Zimina

Performance - Darja Kazimira, Zurab Makharadze

The video art was specially implemented for the musical collaboration of Darja Kazimira&Zura Makharadze&Das letzte gold verfallener sterne